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Right AI Laws, to Right Our Future
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Our Impact

After consuming our content, what steps do you feel inspired to take next?

How do you envision the role of AI in your life?

ACTOR, now AI Safety Advocate

Heather-Ashley Boyer

I am inspired to learn more about the legislative efforts being made, particularly in the EU and US Congress. I am interested in learning how I can help advocate for greater AI safety regulations.

I plan to continue speaking out about the profound risks of developing a general purpose artificial intelligence and hope to be cast in films that have this as a topic, similar to Terminator and 2001: A Space Odyssey to spread awareness of its dangers. I am also interested in collaborating with likeminded people to create a plan to influence positive change on this to protect humans and prioritize their wellbeing over corporate profits.

it's concerning more people aren't talking about this. It's frustrating to hear people say "well, all tech advancements displace people from jobs, but new ones will be created". In the contexts of generative AI and a general purpose AI, that retort doesn't seem to hold up.

I am curious about is why more people don't take the threat seriously. As an outsider to the tech world, I would be very interested to know, since the risks seem quite obvious to me. The only answer I can think of is they have investments or economic incentives. If so, that seems startlingly shortsighted on their part.

"advocate to pass for bills and have the government intervene more!"

I want to advocate to pass for bills and have the government intervene more!

- Stephanie Hinck

"hopeful that public support for legislation"

I am greatly concerned but hopeful that public support for legislation in process will help.

- Joanna M.

"I will continue to fight against AI"

I will continue to fight against AI that's sole purpose is to take away from creators, artists, workers, etc.

- Terrance Addison

"I'm a producer so I'll be championing for HUMANS"

I'm a producer so I'll be championing for HUMANS. I also do Marcom so I'll be contacting reps, etc. and keeping abreast of everything. I'll be LOUD!

- Lorraine Montez

"check contracts and request that clients add clauses"

To more thoroughly check contracts and request that clients add clauses in contracts to not use my voice for AI training.

- Kelly Ulleanne

"create awareness on the dangers of advanced AI through content creation"

To continue to create awareness on the dangers of advanced AI through content creation for TV & Film.

- Samantha N.

"plan to sign and share any petitions"

It will f*** the industry. I plan to sign and share any petitions or forms that could help. I plan to learn more and share with others. I plan to reach out to my representatives and ask for action and support

- Lena (12/1/2023 11:03:10)

"informing others around me on the harms that AI can have"

There needs to be a firm line on what AI can and can't do and it shouldn't be used as a major factor for jobs in general. For myself, I feel like just informing others around me on the harms that AI can have is a step I can take.

- K. T. 

"I will inform others on this movement"

I learned how we as individuals can take action, help and inform others on how AI will affect their livelihoods [...] I will inform others on this movement and try to get a deeper understanding into how I can act in order to prevent it from being used for harm rather than for good.

- Jacob P.

How has our content altered your perspective on AI?

What specific insights did you find most valuable?

"scary how much AI has developed"

I've seen a lot of the generative AI memes between presidents but I had not seen anything about the AI generated short films which, if it weren't for some obvious signs of generation (like the motion of hair movement or how wide smiles/mouths are) I would've never thought twice about it being a properly made film with real humans. It's scary how much AI has developed to create things like this.

- Ariana Rosario

"puts into perspective the reality of AI stealing and replacing human work"

The webinar provided much needed background and updates on the state of AI in the entertainment industry. Having solid and practical examples of how AI will affect the industry puts into perspective the reality of AI stealing and replacing human work.

- Anonymous (12/1/2023 11:11:51)

"valuable to hear that there are ways for even us little folks to try and help in some way"

It didn't alter my view as it quite well aligns with what was spoken. I found it quite valuable to hear that there are ways for even us little folks to try and help in some way. I still feel very much as if I can't do much of anything. But it is very nice seeing there are people who are actively doing something to make sure that the future is brighter for us creatives.

- Pavle Vasiljević

"I am realizing how much more help we need from the government and legislation."

- Nick S.

"speed of progress of ai"

- Alex P.

"More awareness on how rapidly it's developing"

- Kelly Griner

"potential action items that we can do to make our voices heard"

This has been a very informative webinar and has highlighted many of the changes and improvements made by the AI developers. I think it's important to note the rapid improvement and potential action items that we can do to make our voices heard.

- R. J. U.

"most surprised to hear of a person who strongly advocated that humans should not resist AI replacement"

I was most surprised to hear of a person who strongly advocated that humans should not resist AI replacement, and the fact that this person secured funding for his work.

- Derald Tucker

"I'm just really happy that greater minds than mine understand all this and are on the side of right"

I'm just really happy that greater minds than mine understand all this and are on the side of right. It can get really frightening and overwhelming for someone like me. I feel less victimized...or potentially victimized...by having access to this kind of information.

- R. Robinson

Ready to Make a Positive Impact? Yes, Together We Can Create Change & Demand the Right AI Laws 

United as one, we can ensure AI development is safer for us, for our children, for our children's children, and for humanity as a whole.

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